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The global economic system has led to a radical overexploitation of the natural resources of our planet as well as significant inequalities between global north and south. For this decade, we need nothing less than a profound transformation of the way companies operate: from a degenerative to a regenerative way of doing business.
While lecturing together at Alanus University in 2018, Prof. Dr. Stephan Hankammer, co-founder and scientific director of REGWI, as well as Axel Rungweber, co-founder and managing director of REGWI, came to realize that businesses and science need to partner in their mutual quest to take environmental and social sustainability onto a new level....
The future of humankind on our planet will largely depend on whether we manage to pursue a regeneration of our global ecosystems.
A glimpse into why regenerative economics is fundamental
(REGWI-Keynote at Impact Festival 2022)
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